Requesting a Cash Advance
Use the Concur Invoice Module to request a cash advance. Cash advances can be used for items such as travel costs, honorariums, prepaid per diems or other situations where cash is required up front.
Step 1 Complete Cash Advance Request Form
Complete the “Cash Advance Request Form” and have it signed by your Project Director. For Project Directors, please have the form signed by a Steering Committee member.
The Cash Advance Request Form for Employees and Cash Advance Request Forms for Non-Employees can be found on the portal.
Step 2 Submit Cash Advance Request Form via Concur
Submit the Cash Advance Request Form using the Concur invoice module
Vendor = person the cash advance is payable to
Account = “14300 - Cash Advance”
Note that Cash Advances cannot be self-approved. If you are a Project Director, cash advances must be approved by a Steering Committee member. On the approval step select “Approve and Forward” for second level approval from a Steering Committee member. Note that it is easiest to search for a second level approver by their last name in Concur.
Proceed to Step 3 in the "Reconciling a Cash Advance" article when you are ready to submit expenses against a Cash Advance you received.