Requesting a Certificate of Insurance (COI)

  1. Review the details required for the Certificate of Insurance. The request may come from the project specialist or from the project directly. If the request comes to you from the project and the specialist is not cc'd, please alert them to the request.
  2. Complete the COI request template.

EXAMPLE request:

  1. Submit the completed template by email to Steven Chen  at [email protected]
  2. Once you receive the COI, send a copy of the project specialist and/or project director. Return it to the party that requested it, if applicable.
  3. Save a copy:
    • If the COI is required as part of a grant agreement, file it on the Salesforce opportunity.
    • If the COI is for an event, file it on the project's fund record in Salesforce.
  4. Save a copy in the Certificates of Insurance sub-folder in the appropriate fiscal year within the insurance folder in Box.
  5. If the COI is for a multi-year purpose, add the details to the renewals Excel doc for the next fiscal year.