Creating an A/R Sales Invoice

How to create a sales invoice

Create a real A/R Invoice in NetSuite

  1. Look up or create constituent. The constituent’s subsidiary should match the invoice’s primary fund’s MakeWay org.
  2. Edit or add address where you can add a contact person
  3. Click Sales> New Sales Invoice
  1. In the Sales Invoice, fill in the following information:
    • Custom Form=Choose The Foundation or The Society Service Sales Invoice
    • Date=Invoice Date
    • Terms=Due Upon Receipt
    • Memo=Invoice Subject
    • Project=Choose the primary fund name


  1. Enter revenue by adding item and save
  2. Click the Print button to save as PDF and double check the information.
  3. Save the pdf in the box files in Netsuite.
  4. When the payment is received, find the invoice and apply payment.
    • Date = Deposit Date
    • Click Payment Method and fill in the Payment Method and Cheque #